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Functional Lab Testing

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The “Big 5” Labs includes the top 5 lab tests. With this test you will get the HTMA, OAT, Omega-3, Food Sensitivity, Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone & a 60-minute call with a Holistic Health Coach to review your results and create personalized recommendations.

This lab is ideal for someone really looking to find the root cause of imbalance or someone who wants to make sure all their health numbers are in line. Click below to see lab options.

After you get your test kit, all you have to do is follow the simple instructions, place it in the prepaid envelope and mail it to the lab. All at-home lab tests take 3-4 weeks to get the results back after you've mailed them in. A Health Practitioner appointment is included with the test kit but if you would like to schedule an appointment with me please schedule an appointment after testing.

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